
Unbound RPG

Created by Grant Howitt

Limitless adventures in worlds of your own creation.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Movie Posters
almost 9 years ago – Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 11:51:31 AM


Adrian's done some more gorgeous art.

Ghost Road, our example adventure that you can watch on our YouTube channel, looks like this.
Ghost Road, our example adventure that you can watch on our YouTube channel, looks like this.

The most incredible thing about Unbound - that we've found so far - is the worlds that it lets people create as a group. We've had incredible feedback from our playtesters, and enjoyed it ourselves, but what it boils down to is this - there's no more exciting feeling than getting ready to explore a world that you, yourselves, have created together. There's nothing hidden from view, unless you want it to be. Each game, you're pushing the story forward and uncovering - and creating! - new details about the world through the lenses of your characters. Each world is a personal cocktail, mixed up from four or five viewpoints, that no other group could create.

Field Trip is the story of a group of wizards sent on a field trip to find a legendary lost Still of Eternal Life - a field trip that is expressly designed to kill them, for insurance purposes.
Field Trip is the story of a group of wizards sent on a field trip to find a legendary lost Still of Eternal Life - a field trip that is expressly designed to kill them, for insurance purposes.

At the end of the first session we're always super excited to see what the world becomes, to answer our own questions (and each others'). So, to give you all an inkling of what it's like when you build your own world, we asked Adrian to do some more illustrations for us. These are based on short descriptions of the worlds that we, and our playtesters, have created over the last year or so of play. We're super happy about them.

Look at them all, and read the full descriptions, here. We're so close to being funded! If you think your friends, or your gaming group, might be interested in backing Unbound and building their own worlds together - please, let them know about what we're doing. We'd be eternally grateful.

- Grant and Chris

Actual Play video, Contest
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 08:02:02 PM


On Wednesday night we showed off our combat system as we delved into the nightmare ash wastes of a ghost-ravaged cityscape with our regular player crew. We've uploaded the videos as a playlist here.


If you're reading this, you're probably already down to own a copy of Unbound, but if you'd like to win a second copy - either as a gift or to share with your player group during an adventure - then check out our competition on Twitter. We're asking you to create a snapshot of a world, based on one of three groups of TOUCHSTONES, the base elements of an Unbound world. Come Monday, our favourite entry will win a softback copy of the book.

If you don't want a second copy, maybe your friends would? So, you know, spread it around.


As a quick reminder, we've put up some previews of the playtest version of the rules (complete with placeholder art) on our website, Take a look at our Magi core, Warden role and Mighty trait.

- G

Livestream, 7:30pm TONIGHT!
almost 9 years ago – Sat, Apr 09, 2016 at 12:22:34 PM


We're live-streaming tonight - in just over an hour at 7:30pm UK time - on our Twitch channel. Join us for some dramatic scenes and, maybe, another brawl, as Jo Piancastelli, Paul Gregory, Helen Gould and Ed Croft join me to explore the GHOST ROAD, our post-apocalyptic spirit-bound vehicle saga.

Chris will be in the chat to answer any questions you might have, as usual. If you can't make it tonight, we'll be uploading the videos to our YouTube account as soon as they're done.


The Talking Tabletop podcast, part of the illustrious One Shot network, were kind enough to have me and Chris on the show to talk about Unbound. Unfortunately, we largely forgot to talk about Unbound very much and just took the piss out of each other instead whilst discussing cocktail recipes. 

- G

Livestream tonight 7:30pm GMT - Gelt's Traits
almost 9 years ago – Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 06:36:23 PM

In response to some of your comments, Chris and I spent today sorting out some optional rules for Unbound. In the core book, we now have an appendix that:

- Has ways of playing the game if you don't wish to mark your playing cards

- Offers solutions for focusing on the same group of characters for 10+ sessions

- Suggests ways to link adventures in a saga together mechanically, rather than solely in the fiction

In other news:


Join our rag-tag gang of ghost-bound vagabonds as they cruise across the ash wastes of a lost civilisation from 7:30pm GMT tonight. As with last week, Chris will be in the chat to answer any rules questions you might have, and I'll be running the game itself with Jo Piancastelli, Paul Gregory, Helen Gould and Ed Croft. 

If you can't make it on time, don't worry - we'll upload the videos to Youtube tomorrow and link to them in an update. This week we'll have a go at a few dramatic scenes, and if there's time, we'll show off the battle system too. Tune into our Twitch channel at 7:30 GMT to take part.


We continue showing off our rules through the lens of Gelt Dimespinner, debonair interstellar gunslinger, and today we're focusing on traits. Traits give extra powers in combat and help flesh out the world around the characters. Take a look at the blog post, and the preview rules, here.

That's it for today! Thanks for your support, as ever. Can't wait to get this out to you.

- Grant

Business Projections, Interview
almost 9 years ago – Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 06:33:05 PM

Hi folks,

One week in and we're cresting 61% funded, which is lovely. Two pieces of news for you today:


She has a brain the size of a planet and she's our producer and business manager. Mary Hamilton talks about what she's learned from last year's Goblin Quest Kickstarter and what she plans to do differently this time around. Includes a pie chart!


Brie Sheldon interviewed us about Unbound for her blog, and we sound pretty coherent in some of the responses, which is nice! We also get asked a question about punching people and jumping through windows, which is very much our oeuvre

As ever, please tell your friends about Unbound. Like, your wealthiest friends. 

- Grant and Chris