
Unbound RPG

Created by Grant Howitt

Limitless adventures in worlds of your own creation.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September update
over 8 years ago – Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 09:29:52 PM

Hi folks.

Here's a quick update on how things are progressing:

- We're nearly ready to distribute the PDFs. We'll be doing so imminently.

- We've received the first proofs through on the softcovers, and they look gorgeous. We've made a few adjustments and we're ordering through the second proof now. The hardback has taken a little longer thanks to an administrative error on my part, but we're moving ahead on that too, and should have a first proof ready by next week.

- We received a sample pack of the cards, but with the black bleed on the cards and leaving some of them white meant that it was possible to guess the relative value of your card by looking at the side of the deck. To remedy this, I'm putting through another order of cards with washed-out sepia artwork on the lower cards. I'll report in when we get those.

- The test art print is currently en route to my house, and we'll move forward on those as soon as we can.

- We've re-written The Door for a ninth time and, finally, it's ready to go. We're in the process of finalising the text and getting some art commissioned for a front cover.

That's everything for now. 

Speak soon,

- Chris & Grant

Layout, Royal Blood, Cyberpunk, Regency Ladies
over 8 years ago – Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 01:20:19 PM


On Monday, we received what is very nearly the last layout of the game - we're still waiting on a couple of pictures to be made completely ready for print. It's looking absolutely gorgeous. Alina's also just knocked together a character sheet, which is great, because I for one am tired of scratching out my protagonists on the back of an envelope.

So: we're on schedule. Once we get everything sorted we'll send off for a proof copy to take a look through, and then there'll probably a couple of minor adjustments to fiddle with, and from there we'll work on getting the book into your hands as quickly as possible.


I wrote a game while I was waiting for Unbound to be finished. It's called Royal Blood - it's a tarot-themed one-shot heist game, with a lot of the world-building ideals from Unbound coupled with a heaping dollop of occult weirdness. Players take on the role of Royals, half-magic and half-human beings who are undertaking a grand heist to steal the power from an Arcane - godlike creatures who burn through reality like fire through old photographs.

It's been beautifully laid out by my friend Banana Chan, as you can see from the previews here. If you'd like to learn more about Royal Blood or you want to buy a copy, you can click here to do so.


Adi sent us through the art for the cyberpunk splatbook, and boy howdy, is it pretty:


I finally got a chance to play, rather than GMing all the time! We're playing a regency ladies game in a world where, upon coming of age, each young lady of good social standing is expected to enter society, find a husband, and train herself in the esteemed art of WAR GOLEMS. I'm playing a young girl called Kitty who has an elephant gun strapped to the back of what amounts to an ambulatory tractor. I can't wait to see where it goes. I hope to kiss a boy.

That's in for now. Speak soon,

- Grant

Progress report
over 8 years ago – Fri, Aug 05, 2016 at 03:34:36 PM

Layout: here!

Alina's hard at work on laying out the book as we speak. Here's a preview page - the AURA trait.

 Cyberpunk: ongoing!

Chris and I are tooling away with the cyberpunk expansion. At the moment we're putting the finishing touches to the Zaibatsu CEO, the legendary adversary in the pack, which is a four-stage mix of dramatic scenes and fights where the environment is twisted against you at every turn.

The traits availabel in the expansion are FLATLINE, which recreates the experience of being a silver of ROM with your consciousness imprinted on it shoved in the head of a vat-grown body, and UPGRADED, which gives you access to powerful weaponry and equipment but only if you perform well in battle. Here's a taster:

 The Door: playtesting!

We're undergoing closed playtest with The Door. What was once a quick-and-dirty game of generic urban horror has blossomed over about seven rewrites into a fascinating tripartite magic system, where spinners, weavers and cutters must all work together to cast spells by channelling them from vast, otherworldly intelligences that warp their bodies and mess up the world around them.

At present, the game uses rune-stones to determine events, and it's going pretty well, but we'll get our first playtest done and dusted and bring you more info and as when we know it.

That's it for now. Have a great weekend!

- Grant

Community Choice Round Two RESULTS
over 8 years ago – Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 01:05:48 AM


We're pleased to announce that the winner of community choice round two, securing over 50% of the vote, is CYBERPUNK. Those of you with access to special edition content will receive a PDF with new traits, touchstones and adversaries, ready to splice into your existing Unbound content to lend a cyberpunky air to proceedings.

- Grant and Chris

Community Choice Round Two - CYBERTHULHU AND DRAGONS
over 8 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2016 at 09:21:32 PM


Hello! You'll be pleased to hear that we've passed a stretch goal via Backerkit purchases, and you'll need to help us with it. It's up to you to vote on which of the following genre packs you'd like us to release as a PDF for FREE to all backers with access to special edition content:

- Classic fantasy!

- Lovecraftian horror!

- Cyberpunk!

Vote here and let your voice be heard!


 URBAN HORROR is the first genre pack you voted on, and all the text (and art, as you can see) is done. Those of you with special edition access can look forward to:

- A new core, The Cabal
- 52 themed touchstones
- Two new traits: Dark Powers (nightmare supernatural feats) and Desperate Measures (spectacularly dangerous tactics that will probably get you killed)
- The Court of Concrete Adversary Hierarchy
- Terrain Powers - an entirely new way of dealing with the battlefield

If this floats your boat but you didn't pick up the special edition content, it's not too late! You can increase your pledge at Backerkit to include it. If you'd like.

- Grant and Chris