
Unbound RPG

Created by Grant Howitt

Limitless adventures in worlds of your own creation.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Progress update and art prints for sale
over 8 years ago – Sun, Jul 03, 2016 at 07:39:51 PM

Hello backers!


We've made some! Last week we finished proof-reading the document, and Adrian completed all the illustrations. The text and art is currently with Alina, who's working on some sample pages for us to take a look at.

Which means we're on schedule, which is lovely, and long may this state of affairs continue.


Dirty Fighter
Dirty Fighter

If you take a look at this gallery, you'll see all the art we available for purchase as high-quality A3 prints. There's some gorgeous stuff in there (I think I'll have to have all the cores, at least), and a lot of it unseen. If you spot something you like, you can order a print yourself by increasing your pledge on our Backerkit page.

(We're only a few hundred quid off hitting our next stretch goal, too - another community-voted rules expansion. Your purchase might make all the difference.)


High-level Kickstarter backers have early access to our upcoming urban horror game called The Door, and it's been an appropriate nightmare trying to get rules hammered out for it. What started out as a simple card game evolved and mutated through (I think) eight different iterations over the last four months, looking pretty much completely different each time.

HOWEVER. After much introspection and mutual yelling, we've come down to something concrete that we can start building a proper rules-set off. I for one am pretty excited about it (it uses runes!) and Chris is coming up to London for a few days next week so we can get some face-to-face development time together.


That's it for now! Thanks again for all your support. We can't wait to get this book into your hands.

- Grant and Chris

Fresh art and stretch goal update
over 8 years ago – Wed, Jun 01, 2016 at 11:47:16 PM


Blimey, it's gorgeous. Here's the illustration for the RAGE trait:

Here's the COMPANION trait:


Lovely. We'll be releasing these as Art Prints later on.


At present, with Kickstarter and Backerkit combined, we're at £35,633 total on the campaign. That means we're less than £400 away from the next genre pack, which will focus around one of the following themes (voted on by you, the backers):

- Lovecraftian Horror!
- Cyberpunk!
- Classic Fantasy!

If you're interested in seeing us write some content for your preferred entry, please share around our pre-order link (pre-order here) with your friends or increase your pledge - we've got a lot of fun add-ons available, now.

As a reminder, we're active on our Subreddit (/r/UnboundRPG) and we're more than happy to answer any questions you've got. (Also, if you've played, tell us about your world!)

- Grant and Chris

Backerkit active, Reddit, Striker preview
almost 9 years ago – Tue, May 10, 2016 at 06:40:14 PM


We’ve set up a Backerkit page, and this is important, because you need to input your data into this even if Kickstarter already have it. Backerkit lets us manage our pledges, and distribution, really easily and they have a great support team.

You should have received an email asking you to fill out your details - please do so. (If you don’t want to, or can’t for some reason, PM us your details and we can update it personally.) If you need to change your address, you can do that at any point until we start shipping (roughly October, if everything goes to plan). 

Also, if you’re interested in increasing your pledge, you can do that through Backerkit. We’re even accepting entirely new pledges, so if there’s someone out there who missed the campaign but you reckon they’d really like Unbound, let them know about our pre-order page

 As promised, we’re carrying on with the stretch goals from the Kickstarter campaign in Backerkit, and we’re not far off the next genre pack, so fingers crossed on that one. We’ll issue a vote as and when. 


One of our commenters asked if there was a forum or somewhere that we could host a community, so we’ve set up a subreddit at /r/UnboundRPG. If you want to chat about the game, leave a post on there. (If you have specific queries, you can still send me a message through Kickstarter, of course.) We’re especially interested in seeing what sort of worlds you’ve created with Unbound, so stick them up there if you’re so inclined! 


We’re currently chewing through the proofreading process, ably led by our tireless copy-editor Harry, who’s sorting out all our run-on sentences and loose parentheses. We’re also chatting to Adrian and seeing the art start to drip through - here’s a rough draft for The Striker, which we’re pretty excited about… 

However, that’s it for now! We won’t be in touch for a while, hopefully. 

- Grant and Chris

Where are our preview rules? Also: Urban Horror preview
almost 9 years ago – Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 06:40:22 PM


We said we'd have the preview rules with you a week after the Kickstarter ended, but - unfortunately - the money can take up to 14 days to reach us after it goes through Kickstarter, as it turns out. 

So, to that end - as soon as we have the money, and can make sure that everyone's paid up, we can release the rules. We'll let you know via update as soon as we can. Same goes for the Backerkit, if you want to increase your pledge - it's all ready to go, we just need the money to come through.


One of the challenges in writing Unbound was the fact that, as a game without a setting, we couldn't flex our creative muscles as much as we'd have liked. But with the genre packs, there's no need to constrain ourselves, and we've gone all out. We're so excited that Chris is probably going to just go ahead and run an Urban Horror adventure under the guise of "playtesting" the "rules."

The Urban Horror genre pack, as voted for by you, is now written. Full contents are:

- Core: The Cabal
- Touchstones: Urban Horror
- Trait: Dark Powers (complete with Necromancy!)
- Trait: Desperate Measures
- Adversary Hierarchy: The Concrete Court, a collection of city fae with mind-controlled allies
- Terrain Powers, a new rule system, because we wrote them and it seemed rude not to include them

Included below is a sample of what you can look forward to if you've backed us at Special level or above, or increase your pledge to that level with Backerkit:

Desperate Measures is a trait that allows regular humans, albeit dangerously unstable ones, to fight against the city's monsters
Desperate Measures is a trait that allows regular humans, albeit dangerously unstable ones, to fight against the city's monsters
Our Lady of The Underground is an homage to one of our favourite songs and also the ruler of The City Below.
Our Lady of The Underground is an homage to one of our favourite songs and also the ruler of The City Below.

 That's us for now. We'll be in touch with a link to the Backerkit soon.

- Grant and Chris

Urban Horror wins!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 01:50:25 PM

What's that going bump in the night? Why, it's the Urban Horror genre pack for Unbound, as voted for by you - our sexy and exciting backers. Look forward to two new traits, one new core, a list of touchstones and a new hierarchy of adversaries to tackle.

We'll be releasing it as a PDF to everyone who backed us at special edition or higher once the core PDF is released.

- Grant and Chris